Friday, September 08, 2006

GAP Ad Misses Mark. By MILES and MILES.
I'm sorry. I generally love GAP ads. The company has established themselves as the "Apple" or mass apparel advertising. (Apple computers, not Gwyn offspring). Who can forget the "swing" commercials of the mid-90's and the Taryn Manning/Marianne Faithfull commercials. Heck, even the last "Denim Takes Shape" commercial was pretty of-the-moment. So I was waiting for a great ad after receiving their direct mail piece on the new Audrey pant... Right, how could they miss? Great name, great icon, great history of great advertising. Yet, they did miss.

There's something just so wrong about this ad. There are moments of brilliance, and maybe with a different song it would have worked. "Back In Black" just reminds me of Lewis Black and I'm sorry, this pant isn't about being black, it's about being skinny.

But not only does it completely annoy me that they took this great scene from Funny Face and made...this...what's worse is that it doesn't even feature their pants. They win my MissedMark award for "what-were-they-thinking" advertising this week.

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