Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pretty Pretty, a Pretty Gift for Me...

I've been told I'm hard to buy for on gift-giving ocassions. That sounds silly, because I constantly see things that would make perfect and not-too-expensive sentimental gifts for me, myself, and I.

Like this particular completely-uneccessary-but-would-make-me-smile-every-time-I-saw-it-and-of-course-think-of-the-person-who-thoughfully-picked-it-out-for-me-even-though-I-blogged-it "gold bless you" tissue pouchette from Victoire. What? You've never heard of a tissue pouchette?! ...I rest my case.

*Thanks to mama22boys for bringing it to my attention via Twitter :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Speaking of Mad Men...

Is Nordstrom channeling our favorite office diva from Sterling Cooper via this set up for Nanette Lepore? First B., now Joan. Kudos for taste in your celeb-alikes, but why treat us all like ready-to-consume-ANYthing-with-a-minor-or-imagined-link-to-a-celebrity-crazed shoppers, eh, N?

Something Not Quite Right...

...about this fantastic Nicole Miller dress. Now, I'm not gonna lie, Nicole Miller crafts these sleek little body hugger v-neck cocktail numbers that just WORK with my body's proportions and make me wish we all dressed or at least spent time on the set of Mad Men.

And really, I thought this dress in particular would be my new favorite dress to get me through Fall events around town (especially since it's on sale!), but then I clicked...and saw the back of the dress...and that colorblocking just isn't right. :( Me. Sad.